30k Steam Generator and Associated Pipe Line

The Bureau of Land Management created several challenges that Sierra R&D was able to work through, from rough terrain to small path ways, while restoring the land. Sierra R&D’s crew began with removing a 30k steam generator and vessels using an excavator with shear attachment. The challenge began when removing the pipeline and its supports.…

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Steam Generator Lay Down Yard

Sierra Recycling and Demolition is working in a lay down yard demolishing 30+ steam generators. Sierra R&D begins each generator by torch cutting the generator then uses an excavator with shear to process and remove the steam generator. Sierra R&D takes the processed generators to their facility and recycled.

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50k Steam Generators

Sierra Recycling and Demolition used an excavator with shear attachment to demolish 50k steam generators. Sierra R&D is able to process and remove all the associated concrete pads with an excavator with thumb bucket and a 7,000-pound hammer. Sierra R&D hauled off all the associated material for disposal to the appropriate facilities.

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